School Closure Resources
(Will be changed and updated regularly)
Information about the Virus:
○ Lots of good info at the NY Times. It's updated regularly with new articles
○ Coronavirus TedTalk (audio)
If you want an ebook, you can download one for free:
- Free ebooks from Junior Library Guild (elementary, middle, and high school levels)
- Mackinvia (website or app) See Main Page for details and the video tutorial (we just got over 300 K-12 classics for free through this shutdown)
- Many classroom novels and classics are free at Project Gutenberg
- 30 days free of Scribd with no credit card required
FREE resources on the internet:
Other lists with very little overlap (they are also GREAT lists!!)
- Foothill's Distance Learning Links K-12 (There's not much overlap, so check it out for even more resources)
- Missouri Disability Empowerment Foundation's Online list for kids - another excellent list of resources for kids - only a few links overlap with mine and Foothill's pages
- Free concerts online lists: ONE LIST SECOND LIST
- Flipgrid Home Bound challenge Invite your parents to join in on this one, too!!
- 20 Virtual trips to take with your kids
- Cool VR 360 videos for educational fun (the rattlesnake lair is my favorite)
- Zoo cams: Georgia Aquarium
- Google Arts and Culture - museums, famous places, dinosaurs and MORE Museum Collections National Park Explorations
- 30 Educational Shows on Netflix
- Digital Escape Rooms for all ages; Hogwarts Digital Escape Room (don't fill out the survey); Dog Man
- For BreakOutEdu, you can filter by subject area and age range (IHS teachers have access to many more and in multiple subject areas. Email me for the password)
- Weekly 5 minute video by Mystery Doug - great for snack time educational entertainment
- Nat Geo Kids The video on the main screen when I opened it was a group of bouncy brown lab puppies. Sooooo cute!!
- Pocket Preschool PreK Fun videos and songs
- Kahn Academy daily learning schedules PreK-12 (Amazing!! I chose to explore AP Chemistry. It's fab and even has AP test practice questions/videos)
- TedEd: 9-12 Click on Subject to narrow the videos to what you want. It's fabulous!
- Scholastic K-8 (heard moms raving about it)
- ABC Mouse Use Code SCHOOL2568
- Starfall PreK-3 (Limited free content)
- PBS Kids Activities, videos, games (sign up the free newsletter for events and info)
- Printable Packets Math and English K-8 (I opened the 5th grade math packet. Thumbs up!)
- IXL K-12 Math, Social Studies, Language Arts, Spanish, Science (If you click on "Learning", you can see everything available. It will limit your use.)
- Lunch Doodles with Mo Willems Watch new episodes live at 4pm. Activity pages available.
- Beginning Art Class (started 3/18, but you can catch up!)
- Collection of Art Class Videos
- Disney Drawing Mini-Lessons
Language Arts:
- American Sign Language University K-12 (I explored the "First 100 Signs" link to the left of the First 100 Signs video on the main page. It has drawings and ONE sign at a time (best for little ones, since some other videos go too fast)
- Reading Comprehension Test/Help K-12/ESL not much fun, but just like teachers use
- FUN Reading comprehension skills building Squiggle Park
- Writing Ideas: Writing Starter Sentence 5-12 Starter Ideas for Different Genres; Author's creative writing tips
- Kwame Alexander Poetry Page with poetry worksheets
- Storytime Pre-K-3 and ELL: Kern County Library Storytime Baby-3rd grade (in English and Bilingual) AND Virtual Story time 11am M-Sa through March 31st on the Beale Library facebook site; ANOTHER STORY channel (all English); 6 FREE ones: choose between 5 languages; STORYLINE
- Youtube Read-Alouds by authors: ONE; TWO (betty white reads); THREE;
- If you're a Neil Gaiman fan (Graveyard Book, American Gods author) here are activities, videos, etc for mostly grades 6-10
- Hour of Code K-12 The activity page is the best, IMO, but you can explore other parts. For some links, just use the option to not save to do it for free.
- Coding for Kids K-12 Don't get caught in the for-pay things. Just use the list of coding apps and websites that are free
- 5 Minute Speech Therapy Activities Fun things to do with your little one to help him/her not get frustrated while practicing speech therapy assignments
- Typing Club to improve typing skills
- Voice Meeting Notes (If you need captions to understand everything in shows and movies, this will be a life saver when you do things like join a tutoring session! It will have a window beside the session that transcribes the meeting pretty well.)
- Smore (newsletter template)
- Virtual Dissections (ewwwwwww)
- QuaranTime Science Lessons/Challenges Ages 7-12 (You can also view them live on their Facebook channel. The dry ice and bat stuff for day 1 was cool!)
Database: ProQuest
Need to get started?
Not sure how to research?
*Use this self-guided product to guide you through the research process and writing a research paper.
Not sure how to research?
*Use this self-guided product to guide you through the research process and writing a research paper.
Writing a Research Paper?
Writing an Argumentative Paper?
Writing an Argumentative Paper?
*Pros & Cons on over 360 topics.
*Social issues w/ historical perspectives
*Charts & Graphs that meet visual literacy requirements
Writing a Research Paper?
Writing an Informative Paper?
*Concise social, cultural, and political information on countries, U.S. states, and provinces around the world.
*Additional media included: videos, photos, slideshows, interviews, etc.
Writing a Research Paper?
Need help choosing a topic?
*A wide range of topics covered.
*Advanced search options available.
How to use SIRS Issues Researcher:
Writing a Research Paper?
Writing an Informative Paper?
*Concise social, cultural, and political information on countries, U.S. states, and provinces around the world.
*Additional media included: videos, photos, slideshows, interviews, etc.
Writing a Research Paper?
Need help choosing a topic?
*A wide range of topics covered.
*Advanced search options available.
Need help choosing a topic?
*Delivers one of the largest general reference collections of periodical and digital media content including more than 11,000 Research Topics.
Writing a Research Paper?
Are you an AP or GATE student?
*Designed to bring instant results to users across thousands of journals, magazines, etc.
*A more traditional format that you will see in college.
All About Boolean Search
What is Boolean Search?
- Built on a method of symbolic logic.
- Allows you to combine words or phrases.
- A good research should know how to use Boolean Search.
- Developed by George Boole.
George Boole 19th Century English Mathematician |
How to use Boolean Search?
Boolean Operators: and, or, not
Boolean Modifiers: " ", *, ( )

"AND" logic
AND : Using AND narrows a search by combining terms.

"OR" logic
OR : Using OR broadens a search to include results that contain either of the words you're looking for.

"NOT" logic
NOT : Using NOT will narrow a search by exclusion. (Some search engines, like Google, recognize the minus (-) symbol, instead of the word NOT).
Burns, S. (2011, Feb. 22). What is boolean search? New York Public Library.
McMaster Libraries. (2016, Nov. 28). How library stuff works: Boolean modifiers. [Video]. Youtube.
McMaster Libraries. (2016, Nov. 28). How library stuff works: Boolean operators. [Video]. Youtube.
All About Sources & Databases
Types of Sources:
What are Databases & Why You Need Them?:
All About Google
Google Search Tricks:
How Search Works:
Carnegie Vincent Library. (2013, Mar. 22). Scholarly and popular sources. [Video]. Youtube.
Common Sense Education. (2018, Nov. 6). Essential google search tricks for research. [Video]. Youtube.
Google. (2010, Mar. 4). How search works. [Video]. Youtube.
Yavapai College Library. (2011, Sep. 29). What are databases and why you need them. [Video]. Youtube.
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